Phishing Assessment
Can Your Employees Pass the Phishing Test?
It's well-known that phishing attacks, particularly spear-phishing attacks, pose a significant threat to businesses of all sizes and industries. Despite this, 78% of people claim to be aware of the risks associated with clicking on unknown email links, yet still fall prey to such attacks.
To mitigate the risk of a data breach or ransomware attack, ensure your employees are equipped to recognize and respond appropriately to phishing attempts. That's where simulated phishing tests come in. They are a crucial element of any organization's information security program, as they can raise employee awareness of ongoing threats and foster a culture of security.
A successful phishing assessment plan should include three key components: test, train, and repeat. By testing your employees with simulated phishing attacks, you can identify areas for improvement and provide training to mitigate your risk of a successful attack. Conducting these tests regularly, ideally monthly, is essential as a one-time test is not enough.
Encompass IT offers a range of solutions to meet your phishing assessment needs, from one-time tests to ongoing testing and training programs. Our detailed reports provide valuable metrics, such as the percentage of users who clicked on a suspicious link, repeat clickers, and baseline reporting to show improvement over time. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you protect your organization from phishing attacks.
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